5 Ways to select a book cover artist?

When you are on the way to self-publishing your next book, you might have to take care of everything from finding one of the best self publishing companies uk to a marketing agency for promoting your latest. In this lieu, your earnest focus is expected when it comes to selecting the book cover layout, considered to be the primary tool to draw the attention of today’s buyers. They are quite judgmental about the attractiveness of the cover designs these days!

For alluring your readers towards your new book, you need the Midas touch of one of the finest book cover artists, whether working independently as a freelancer or with any studio with excellent creative ideas. The fate of your new book is in the cover designer despite the hard work you showered in it.

Check out 5 ways to select a book cover artist—

Reference from a genuine source 

Whether your eye is on finding book cover illustrators or book cover designers, despite ransacking the search engines and viewing samples, ask for references from your other writer or publisher friends associated with this job. Finding a cover layout designer from a close countenance will be helpful for you. If their previous work with the publishers impressed you, you can have a word with the book cover designer to create the layout of your next venture.

Previous experience in a similar genre

The book cover artist must have done similar designing for books of similar genres. For instance, if your new book is a mystery, the book cover designer should have designed the layouts of some successful mystery books before.

Acquaintance with latest designing software 

Successful book cover designers stay updated with the latest designing software. In their work, their professional skills are exhibited that brings immense success to the book by impressing readers.

Highly creative 

Look for a designer who is highly creative when it comes to penning down book cover layouts for books of various genres.

Understands the readers’ pulse

Hire a book cover designer that can read the readers’ pulse and craft the book cover layout to make the book a successful venture.

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